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Virginia Fall Farmer's Market

As temperature's continue to drop I had to take one more trip to the Fall Farmer's Market in Alexandria, Virginia! The day was crisp, cool and beautiful. I found a few fresh items for my pumpkin muffins, soups and teas.

Virginia is known for its Chesapeake Bay blue crab, Virginia oysters, Peanuts, Maple syrup, Smithfield ham, Brunswick stew, Virginia wine, and Apples. I made sure to fill my basket with these goodies. I am so looking forward to using these ingredients in my upcoming recipes.

I also met the owner of Dawn and Dusk Coffee who also happened to have mutual diplomatic ties to a region I worked in early in my career. Her coffee shop benefits people around the world and I am so happy to help her cause. You can find her company on Instagram @dawnandduskcoffee.

Special thanks to my son's company OXI Creative for filming this for me!

Until the next time, go well!


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Cooking & Blogging

Hi there!

Welcome to my table! I've been cooking and catering for diplomats, foreign dignitaries, friends and family for over 25 years. My recipes are made with fresh and organic ingredients. I'm excited to share them with you. Enjoy!


 - Mapula

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