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VIDEO: Mapula Featured in Essence Magazine!

mapulastable Bonnie Henry Smaugh

I am so honored to be recognized in Essence Magazine's Ageless Beauty spread! As a young woman I used to read Essence magazine and never did I think I would be one of those vibrant ladies in the centerfold.

In 2003 my niece learned that Essence was featuring a segment in their magazine on “Ageless Beauties” focusing on women between ages 50 to 103. For years, she says, she had admired my active lifestyle and youthful appearance and felt that there was a strong possibility that Essence would consider me for their feature. Unbeknownst to me she entered my name, and I was chosen!

I got the call and a time slot to travel from Washington, D.C. to New York City. My son accompanied me on the trip and shot the video below!

See the interview by clicking here.

When we got to NYC a chauffeured limousine was there within minutes of our arrival to deliver us to Essence.

I was awestruck by this very state of the art building, the level of security checks, the business and flow of people on and off elevators and escalators, many carrying attache cases and smartly dressed in business attire. I digested and committed to my memory every moment of our walk up to Essence's offices.

When we got there I met all of the Ageless Beauties except the 89 year old, who either missed her flight or her flight was delayed. I went to each station; makeup, hair, nails, etc. Every station made sure you were perfect before the shoot.

When it was finally time to get in front of the camera I was asked to choose a song by my favorite artist and dance throughout the shoot. I chose FIA by Davido (a fantastic musical artist)!

Imagine for a moment, you are on center stage, bright lights, cameras and everybody watching you, walking you through from how to stand, where to look, how to angle your body, how to position your hands, all the while this camera is right up on our face.

There was a staff of around 25, all young professionals from different countries, including Haiti and the Caribbean, all there for you, for one reason only, and that is to make your shoot as successful as possible.

It was truly a wonderful experience that, had it not been for my niece and encouragement from my son and others who dared me to become a butterfly and embrace a once-in-a lifetime opportunity, I wouldn’t be featured in Essence Magazine.

To top it all, we packed a simple lunch, but a wonder spread was provided for us. I remain grateful and proud of the opportunity and give a big thank you to Essence Magazine and its staff.

All the praise and glory be to God.

Go well!

- Mapula

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 - Mapula

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